"I rise in the spark of life, the dawn of all time. I call to the world still yet to be. The music is everywhere, in life, in the sea and air to join in the perfect song of all...eternity. I am the dawn of all time." - Libera

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Stefan?!?! It's Stefan! :D

There was this video somewhere in youtube that featured the Trinity Boys Choir just a few months ago. Me and the other fans thought that one of the boys in front was Stefan. I did a little research about this choir, and came across the School's Prospectus' file, and found this cover. In my opinion, I think this is the only picture of Stefan smiling. He doesn't smile much, does he?

Will we hear him sing in Peace? I do hope so!

PS: This kid must be famous in school. LOL. :D

Animo Libera!


  1. Stefan! I'm a fan of him!
    Stefan does not smile enough? No fake it well enough to observe, we can see that it is a shy boy, endearing. I would much he gets a solo in Peace.
    He has a future.

    Sorry for my English. I'm hopeless lol


  2. Yes, maybe he's a bit shy. But he could use more smiles! LOL.

    PS: You're not hopeless. A little practice everyday will help. :)

    Animo Libera! :)
